Interfacing with External Software

I have a slightly unpleasant task (see VB .NET) of working with a .NET API to interface to some vendor software.

Is there a path for maybe ditching .NET and using an available Ignition function? I'm starting to look at custom modules in Ignition, could this be a way?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


What kind of .NET API are you talking about?

You have some DLL(s) / .NET assemblies or it's some web service written in .NET that you're just calling?

It's a .NET assembly that I'm pointing to. The vendor may have a DLL option as well.

Mmm, well neither of those options are any good for integrating with Ignition.

A DLL, in the best case, is usable from a custom module if you know what you're doing with JNI/JNA.

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Makes sense. Thanks for your advice.