Internal Property no longer accessible from script module?

I read this post to help me understand how I can access internal property of a template in one of my GUI components’ script.

I have two properties in a Template, one is Template property called MyIsInactive and the other is Internal property called MyInternalIsInactive.

Let’s give the Template name Templ

Now, in one of my windows I have some Templs and I try to grab the Templs but populating it through its parent component. I make sure that when I populate, I only grab the Templs:

for comp in parent.components: if not'Templ'): continue

Now, after I grab the Templs, I try to get its properties like this:

	val = comp.getPropertyValue('MyInternalIsInactive') #should be False
	val2 = comp.getPropertyValue('MyIsInactive') #should be False
        print val, val2

But when I print them out, I got

None False

Instead of

False False

Is Internal Property no longer accessible from script module?

I identified where I got it wrong:

val = comp.getPropertyValue('MyInternalIsInactive') #should be False val2 = comp.getPropertyValue('MyIsInactive') #should be False print val, val2

should be

val = comp.getComponent(0).getPropertyValue('MyInternalIsInactive') #should be False val2 = comp.getPropertyValue('MyIsInactive') #should be False print val, val2

I miss the getComponent(0)