Is it possible can we show scroll bar on few columns not on complete table in perspective ignition

Is it possible can we show scroll bar on few columns not on complete table in perspective ignition.

The data is ordered by rows so it would be hard… But i dont this will do what you expect it to do anyways.

What are you trying to achieve?

Actually ,I need to display some data on table in which first and last column remain fixed and inbetween columns will be change according to date selection so I need to show scroll bar only on in between columns.

Maybe you could split your data into 3 tables, stick them together side by side so they look like just one, and only activate scrollbars for the middle one ?
Depending on how complex your data and its usage are, bind each table to a common custom property on the parent container and add a few wrappers to handle user interaction.

Wrap it in some duct tape so it doesn’t fall apart, make a prayer or two, and see how long it holds.

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What exactly if the point of the two side “columns” if they are fixed yet you are able to scroll down?
They will no longer align ? Or do you want to scroll sideways?
Mind showing what you have right now? (the table/data)