Is the latest Sepasoft Vision or Perspective based?

Just wondering if I can only use vision for Sepasoft.

Edit: I was asking because I spun up a fresh copy of ignition 8.1 and installed all Sepasoft modules (3.81.5), while in vision, I can see the MES modules in the Vision Component panel. However, the modules for perspective listed on the website are missing from my perspective component panel.

Both, check here. Vision is more widely supported in my experience, but they are coming out with more Perspective components as they release new versions.

So I installed all Sepasoft MES modules in the latest stable versions (3.81.5). However, I do not see the components in perspective, only in vision.

That is strange… Here it is in my designer (Perspective Components):

One thing you can try is to restart the Production module if you haven’t configured anything Sepasoft-related yet. In my limited experience, a lot of weird behavior would go away after a module restart. Also, if you just installed the modules, merge changes from the gateway - maybe closing the designer and reopening might help.

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Hi, I'm having the exact problem. I have my ignition at version 8.1.25, and I installed the production module (version 3.81.7) from Sepasoft just to test one module, I can see my module components in Vision but when I work on Perspective the module components are missing from the component panel.

Have you managed to resolve this issue?

Please ensure you have a Database defined for MES. This tutorial may help: Getting Set Up - MES 3.0 Training Manual - Sepasoft MES Help Documentation

I always check the logs for the message "MES Modules Started" before moving on.

Sticking with the Highest tested Ignition version is also recommended. As of today, it is 8.1.25 with 3.81.7.

If you are still having issues, we may jump on a call together to take a look.


I am having the same issue. Just installed version 8.1.26 with Sepasoft 3.81.7 SP1 on a test server. I can see the vision components but not perspective. Also missing an MES scripts section that I saw in some screenshots.

So, I installed 8.1.25 with 3.81.7 (not sp1) and I am seeing perspective MES components. The new compatibility chart appears to be inaccurate.