Is there a way to automatically attach a document to an email?

I am looking for a way to automatically attach a word document to an email that will be sent when triggered. Right now I have it set up on a button trigger for testing purposes. I have used the format that is in the inductive automation documents. I have looked into attachmentData and attachmentNames, but I am still learning so if those are used I am not sure how to use them effectively.

filePath ='docx','C:\Test_doc.docx')
if filePath != None:
   fileName = filePath.split("\\")[-1]
   fileData = fpmi.file.readFileAsBytes(filePath)
   smtp = ""
   sender = ""
   subject = "Test Email From Ignition"
   body = "This is a test email from ignition."
   recipients = [""], sender, subject, body, 0, recipients, [fileName], [fileData])

If I need to use the other methods mentioned in the documents I can do that as well, as I also have other buttons setup with those as well.Preformatted text

In your script, you have a spurious attachmentData stuck between subject and body. Try taking that out.

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Ah, yes, thank you, I missed that editing that out before posting. When trying different things.

In the first line, “” should be “system.file.openFile” ?

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It worked for me like below

I don’t use the because I already have the filepath.
To read the file I use system.file.readFileAsBytes(filepath), not sure what library is needed to use the “fpmi.file.readFileAsBytes(filePath)”

if filePath != None:
   fileName = filePath.split("\\")[-1]
   fileData = system.file.readFileAsBytes(filePath)
   smtp = ""
   sender = ""
   subject = "Test Email From Ignition"
   body = "This is a test email from ignition."
   recipients = [""], sender, subject, body, 0, recipients, [fileName], [fileData])