Is there a way to change the Gateway Event Script Timeout?

Is there anyway to change the gateways timeout on even scripts?Thx, jake

Gateway event scripts don't have a timeout. Please show the log message for what you think is a script timeout.

(There are multiple possibilities.)

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I'll post here when it runs again, I was getting no log events, but I know it runs a long time running the script command in the console. I added beg/end logs to see if I can at least get those.thx,jake

Don't test gateway scripts from the designer. There is an unchangeable 60-second timeout on any request from designer (or vision client) to gateway scope. Use system.util.sendMessage to start something in the gateway and use logging (in the gateway) to see results.

I actually have great success in the designer. Some of the scripts I assumed didn't run from timeout issues I run on the designer, cause it only works there. I can't even get this to log:

def AutoBot():
logger = system.util.getLogger("AutoBot")'beg')

There's other scripts with identical code, minus the names, that do log in event scripts and in the designer. Kind of weird. No errors on the function in logs either.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?thx

Loggers are local to the JVM in which they are created. Designer script console is a local JVM with Vision client scope, and all of its loggers are local. Open your designer diagnostic (from the help menu) to inspect their output.

Logging that runs in gateway scope (including Perspective scope) will only show up in the gateway log, not in the designer.

See this:

gotcha, makes sense, and any to figure out why the cron isn't logging on the gateway