Is there a way to extend a JFrame with the client SDK?

Is there a way to extend a JFrame with the client SDK ?
I try to include a component with the frame.setContentPane method.

[quote=“mazeyrat”]Is there a way to extend a JFrame with the client SDK ?
I try to include a component with the frame.setContentPane method.[/quote]

Your question, as phrased, doesn’t make any sense. Any class can subclass JFrame; it is a Swing class and has nothing to do with our SDK.

Sorry Kevin, My question was not very clear indeed.

When we want to create a custom component we can create a class with the SDK which extends an AbstractVisionComponent.
What I’m looking for in the Ignition’s SDK is a sort of “AbstractVisionFrame”, a class derived from a JFrame, to extend it.
The video component (vlcj) i try to include in ignition can only be added with the frame.setContentPane method.
Is it possible to add a sort of “AbstractVisionFrame” in the SDK in the next version ?