Is Web Dev included in Ignition Edge?

Hello, General Question?

Does Ignition Edge IIoT or Ignition Edge Panel includes the Wev Development Module.


Then, how to enable a REST server with ignition edge?

Talk to your sales contact--you may be able to use Web Dev on Edge for a fee with a custom license.

Without WebDev, and with Edge's restriction on 3rd-party modules, your only other option would be to use low-level java from jython to establish you own listening socket.

(Basically, you are going outside the general use case for Edge.)

Edit: See below....

WebDev used to be allowed when there were edge "plugins", it was enabled by the "Edge Compute" plugin.

I assume it's available now in one or both of the simplified Edge offerings as well.

Looks available to me :man_shrugging:

Huh. Just loaded it on my Edge IIoT and it's perfectly happy.

I stand corrected.

It doesn't show up in the license, but just works. This is all that shows on the licensing page: