Issue and potential bug with system.dataset.toCSV

Ignition 8.0.4 system.dataset.toCSV in US vs Belgium.

I am using the following to generate CSV for export. The project is used in both the US and Belgium with very different results in both places.

csv = system.dataset.toCSV(table.viewDataset, showHeaders=1, forExport=0, localized=1)

From the US I get:

"A1","4","12329","N/A : 220 :  60 ",,,,,,,,,,"1.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","3.1","63.10000000000002"

Similar lines from Belgium are:

"A1,""4"",""12443"",""N/A : 220 :  60 "",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""1,1"",""34,100000000000016"""

We are using this step to get the data into Excel because html is used in the header and I have found no good way to strip out the html without first passing through this step.