Issue with passing reference to a popup

Was hoping that someone would be able to lend some insight into an issue that I have been having with my HMI program. I have objects on the screens (mixers, pumps etc.) which which clicked will open a faceplate for that selected device to the right of the screen. The issue I have been having is that the system does not reliably open the faceplate properly. It seems that it doesn't always pass on the reference to the tag datatype when opening the faceplate. This problem also seems to depend on processing power because when running on a fast i7 based system it will open reliably maybe 90% of the time, but running a slow atom based system maybe 10% of the time it will reliably open. When the faceplate doesn't open properly, I have to either refresh the screen or click onto another object and then back to the object in question and eventually like throwing dice it will show properly.

If you look at the first image, in development mode when you press the object, it will call the faceplatepath object using the udtPath tag

This second screenshot shows what the faceplate that is called for looks like and where the udtpath is passed.

During runtime, this is what shows up when it works properly

When it does not work properly it shows this.

Any help would be appreciated.