Java 9 zoom or scaling problem

I got a project running with a server with version Java 8. When I’m running the client with Java 9 all my objects are rescale or zoom ( I found it was 80%). If I uninstall v9 and go back to v8 on my client everything got back to normal. Anyone have solved that?

What version of Ignition is this?

Got point, My version 7.9.10

Are you using the native client launchers or webstart/JNLP to launch?

I have try both. Same issue.

Ok, I haven’t seen or heard of this, so it’s best to call or email support to get an official ticket started.

Support has found the problem
Related post: 7.9.10 Upgrade - Scale Issues - #15 by jcoffman

Could you use the new Client Launcher and create a desktop shortcut (or use one that you previously created from the new Client Launcher)
right click the shortcut and select properties.
append -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=1.0 to the “target” field.
Launch the designer or vision client.

Caused by windows scaling

I suspected this was the issue… glad it’s figured out. Java 9 started respecting scaling / high DPI setups.