I am having an issue launching a vision project on a Windows 10 client machine. The project use to launch successfully in the past, however, I am now receiving the attached error, any thoughts on how to resolve??
Can you try this?
That did it, thanks Kevin.
This also solved the same issue for me. The end user's question is "how does that happen?".
I can't answer that. Can you @Kevin.Herron?
I had the same issue.....solution was to follow Kevin's advice and delete the following files
where "some_name" is your unique username that is running the Ignition app
Question: I haven't seen this issue before - just random occurrence or a serious issue?
It's a somewhat random occurrence that only seems to happen on Windows. Something to do with file copying or moving when unpacking a zip file... not sure.
I think later versions added some changes to try and address this.
Cool - thanks for your help on this Kevin. I've never seen this before - just want to avoid any downtime.