Java version client sadness

Here is what I use.

  • A folder with a copy of the NCL plus pre-made links.
  • A batch file to handle the installation. The batch file removes any webstart apps and the user’s .ignition folder, copies the folder with the NCL into the user’s profile, then copies the links to the desktop.
    @echo off
    ECHO Removing user's .ignition folder...
    rd %userprofile%\.ignition /q /s
    ECHO Removing Java Webstart applications...
    javaws.exe -uninstall
    ECHO Copying Client Launcher...
    XCOPY "H:\Everyone\Hudson Tech Eng\Ignition Client Startup\IgnitionClientStartup" %userprofile%\IgnitionClientStartup /i /y
    ECHO Adding links to desktop...
    XCOPY %userprofile%\IgnitionClientStartup\*.lnk %userprofile%\Desktop /y
    ECHO Installation complete!