Java version for Ignition 8.1.26?

I have many servers to upgrade from my EAM. Some work fine but others don't and they are on my older servers that have 8.1.19 like the others but don't allow me to finish from the destination gateway. Any thoughts/? The ones that work are running Java 11.0.18 but the ones that fail are running Java 11.0.15.

Looks like it's still 11.0.18.

How do I upgrade that? Isn't it supposed to be included in the Upgrade? Is this affected by using an EAM to do the upgrading?

Hmm, I'd imagine it's part of the upgrade. Maybe since the ones that are failing to upgrade aren't upgrading... they have the older runtime version we shipped with whatever version they're on?

You should probably call support tomorrow. I'm not super familiar with this EAM stuff.