Json in Named Query in parameters

Hi guys, i have doubt i have a named query in postgressql for one column(metadata) i need to pass json file inside db so when i tried to pass the json object inside parameters i am getting an error.

i will attact the named query as well here do i need to change the datatype of metadata or what i need to do i am getting error

Can we see how you're calling this named query ?
And more importantly, how you're passing the metadata parameter.

it is not working now like our team senior developer tried to insert the json values inside parameters it was working there but in web browser i am not able to pass the parameters.I will attach the screenshot of my script as well as the popup

can anyone help me out!

Thanks for the comment @pascal.fragnoud :innocent:

Please post code, not pictures of code. That way we can copy and paste in the Script Console and in our answers. Wiki - how to post code on this forum

Also, it's a big help if you resize your windows and / or crop your screengrabs. Look at your first image. 98% of it is white space!

Thanks for the comment @Transistor - sorry for the delay i was on vacation. i got the solution i will paste it here we need use casting so that we can transform string to json

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