Dint in siemens --> Long in Kepware (auto tag generation) --> Integer in Ignition
using tag browse in ignition to select the write OPC path.
Read works fine for any value.
I can change the value in Kepware OPC client to any value and it works correctly and reflected on PLC and Ignition. Changing at PLC shows the correct value everywhere.
Changing value to a value >32,767 causes the values in client and PLC to change
for example if I change the value in ignition to 34,000 the value will change to -31,536 setting value to 32,000 the value will go to 32,000 on all 3.
It might be interesting to connect UaExpert to Kepware and then browse to that Node and see what value Kepware is indicating for the OPC UA DataType attribute.
Also, one other thing - don't trust Kepware's client when troubleshooting anything OPC UA related. AFAIK their client is still a Classic/COM/DA client and nothing it tells you is relevant to the KSE UA server interface. Always use UaExpert or some other client.