Label position in simple gauge

one question, is possible to change the position of label in component simple gauge?
I want to put it in the center of gauge.

yes sort of with theme.css (or injection) tho its not that intuitive and easy…
its going to be easier to jsut hide it and make your own label

set the props.label.visibilty to false.
and bind the gauge value to a new label

Ah OK. as of my habit. Normally I take this way but I wanted to understand if there was another way. In any case thank you for the feedback

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Btw i found a way to change it in theme.css or injecting:

(the -15% might need a little adjustment depending on text size, you can also use px if you dont make the gauge flexiable)

[data-component="ia.chart.simple-gauge"] > div > div:nth-child(2) > svg > g > g:nth-child(2) > g:nth-child(1) > g > g > g > g > g > g:nth-child(1) > g > g:nth-child(1) > g:nth-child(2) > g:nth-child(1) > g > g:nth-child(4) {

 transform: translate(0, -15%);



If you dont know how theme.css works you can inject this into a classstyle in the backgroundimage :

}[data-component="ia.chart.simple-gauge"] > div > div:nth-child(2) > svg > g > g:nth-child(2) > g:nth-child(1) > g > g > g > g > g > g:nth-child(1) > g > g:nth-child(1) > g:nth-child(2) > g:nth-child(1) > g > g:nth-child(4) {

 transform: translate(0, -15%);


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