Launch Icon Scaling/Proportions

Hey gents, this morning I have updated my current project’s install version from 7.5.5(b1255) to 7.5.7(b1387) in order to try to use v1.5 of the IALabs PDF Viewer (which the marketplace won’t serve me the correct file, only the latest v1.6 when i have v1.5 selected in the dropdown box, which v1.6 is only compatible with ignition v7.6 which is still in beta…but aaannyway…)

Previously, if I remember correctly, the launch icon under Designer>Project Properties>Client>Launching>Launch Icon would accept any resolution picture and display it as the image was, no matter if it layed over other pieces on the gateway web launch area. So, I designed the launch image in order to be proportional to our actual company icon, which is an ellipse shape.

All was well and my icon was happy…until I upgraded to 7.5.7. It now is smashed into a square box! I have looked to find a ‘constrain porpotions’ or similar checkbox in the designer but to no avail.

Have I lost the ability to make custom sized icons?
Will they always smash into this box style now?

We recently changed the launch icon size to 32px x 32px because other users were experiencing problems with huge launch icons messing up the home page of the web interface. Having noted your concern, we will now give the the icons a max width of 256px and max height of 64px.

[quote=“samson.miller”]We recently changed the launch icon size to 32px x 32px because other users were experiencing problems with huge launch icons messing up the home page of the web interface.[/quote]lol, maybe they should have made the graphic smaller…but wait, that would have only made sense, obviously not an option!

[quote=“samson.miller”]Having noted your concern, we will now give the the icons a max width of 256px and max height of 64px.[/quote]Excellent, thanks! When do you think this will be updated, 7.5.8 maybe?
Would you think it would be a viable option to have a checkbox to allow for full size images or to automatically shrink the images to 32x32?
I am not sure how this page is built so not sure if that would be possible or not…just thinking outloud here! Either way, I appreciate your quick response and concern for my situation. Thanks samson!

Also, we updated the Module Marketplace this morning so that you can now properly download the 1.5 version of the PDF Viewer.

You’re welcome! At this time, the only viable solution is to limit the height of the icon and to allow icons of any width. This fix will be available in 7.5.8.

Hey everyone,

I uploaded a 64px64px icon, but it looks really small on both my desktop and home page, more like 32px32px. What’s happening?

I’m running 7.6.2

Thanks in advance.

We have limited the height of project icons to 32px because icons with larger heights mess up the home page of the web interface.

Ok! Would it be possible to set a different size for the home page and desktop icon. Being really pixelated on desktop, it does not look very good…

You can set the icon to any width you want. The icon must be in the 32px height range though.

Would it be possable to make it accept a SVG icon?

That’s a very interesting idea, but the Ignition image system is currently only set up for rasterized images.