LDAP Filter By memberOf Issues

Hello. I have been learning about LDAP search filters and have really struggled. I have found this post which has slightly helped. But no luck.


I am using this User Search Base which contains all of our members:

(OU=Managed Users,OU={redactedOU 1},OU=Users,OU=Users and Groups,OU=Organizational Units,DC={redactedDC},DC=NET)

I have confirmed that the above search base does work.

I want to filter the users in this user search base using the 'User List Filter' property similar to way the above post does. I have tried this using the following user list filter to only get the users in the 'CADadmin' group:

(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer))(|(memberOf=CN=CADadmin,OU={redactedOU 2},OU=Groups,OU=Users and Groups,OU=Organizational Units,DC={redactedDC},DC=NET))

When I apply this filter, however, I get no results. I know that the path to the group is accurate, because my Role Search Base uses the same path and is fully functional. Is there an issue with my syntax? Anywhere else I can look at? I'm out of ideas. Thanks.

Hey @alex.chmelka

Do you happen to have an IT team that can assist with your LDAP filters. If not, I suggest creating a support ticket with our support department, so that we can take a closer look at your setup. Wanted to note we are not AD admins but we will do our best to help.
