LED Display / Value too large for Display


I'm using a LED display in Perspective. The actual value is being cut off by the display not being large enough. How do I fix this?



Take a leap out of the 1970s and use a label with all the advantages of TrueType legibility, high contrast, crafted fonts. LED displays were used because that was all they had at the time. There's no good reason to use them now.


I'm still learning Ignition. Any help would be useful. I'm trying to display the tag and I have used LED in the past.

Could you be a little more descriptive please.



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Can you provide a screenshot, along with some insight into the structure of your View? The simple answer seems to be that you should make the component bigger (or have more space to grow). LED Displays are fairly finnicky in how their internal content spaces.

With the Label component you can bind its text property to a tag or some other value source. With the style properties you can create an elegant border and background, if required.

Labels are incredibly customizable. While using a segmented display type would require use of an extra imported font, you can make a Label appear similar to an LED with basic CSS styling. Here, I've applied just a few rules to the Label and it now appears similar to an LED Display component. I've even added a glow to the displayed value.
Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 9.42.27 AM

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Thank you both for reply. If I used a label and I added tag binding which will display a number, how would I add commas and numbers after the period.

For example: Right now my displays: 21235.

I would like it to display: 21,235.00.

Is this done in the Tag Editor?



Replace my static value in the screenshot with a reference to the Tag.

You can always define the expected format string for your tag as part of the Tag definition, and then reference that in the binding:

numberFormat({[default]TagName}, {[default]TagName.FormatString})
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This is fantastic. Thanks for your help.

Could you explain in a little more detail about the formatting?

You inputted #,##0.00. Why wouldn't it be #,###.##?



In formatting, the numeric value 0 means "must be displayed", and # means "display if makes sense". So with a format of...

12345.678 -> 12,345.68
.1 -> 0.10

12345.678 -> 12,345.68
.1 -> 0.1

Very subtle difference, and you can absolutely apply any format which suits your needs. I only supplied the format I did because that's the default format of the LED Display.


Awesome. Thanks for your help.

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