License failed installing maker edition

good morning all, new to IA and new to this forum, trying to load maker edition, but I keep getting and error when I input license key and activation token. it shows activation failed. anyone have any ideas?

Does the gateway you are trying to license have internet access (itself, not via your browser)? That is required for Maker edition.

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Further, can you check the browser console and the Ignition logs to see if any error message with more detail is being logged?

Thanks guys, I went back and downloaded standard edition and all is working.

In general for future eyes - you'll want to make sure that the system you are trying to apply a Maker license to was commissioned as a Maker system, and not previously set up as a Standard or Edge Edition gateway. If you have a gateway that's previously been installed/configured/commissioned for something other than Maker, applying a Maker license to it will not work.

So the solution is as @Thomas_Light found - just download/install a fresh copy of Ignition (or deploy a new container) and choose Maker edition when walking through the commissioning process.

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