Hello, I am attempting to create a template for a series of pressurized reactors for a customer. I wanted to use the linear-Scale component and dynamically update three indicators: High pressure setpoint, Low pressure setpoint, and current pressure.
I am having trouble binding Indirect Tags from the UDT I created into my template. I was attempting to create an Indirect Tag binding like I have for the other tags in the template based on the custom property I created called "ReactorNum"; however, it says to make the indicators dynamic, I need to use the "Cell Update" feature of the Indicators property binding. So, I created a cell binding for the "value" column and pressed the "Insert Tag" button, I chose "Data Types" and found my "Reactor" UDT and chose the "PressSPHigh" tag, but it is not updating inside the Template (all other indirectly bound tags are working with my UDT, things like Thermocouple temperatures, Heater on/off states, Reactor label, etc). I realise the Indirect Tag binding uses a Reference to the custom property I created called "ReactorNum", but as far as I can see, this isn't available in the Cell Update binding; unless I'm missing something?
Thank you for looking at this and please forgive me if this has been asked or posted before; I had a good round of google searching and couldn't find anything relevant.