Log data from multiple connected device every minute

I have multiple (+100) connected devices that each are an instance of the same UDT. I would like to log data from each to a datatable every minute. What would be the best way to do this?

I would probably go the SQL Bridge route and use a Transaction Group so you can have a Wide Table format, as opposed to the Tall format the Historian uses.

The same can be achieved with a bit of time up front if you use a Gateway Scheduled Event Script (or a trigger with a Gateway Tag Change Script if you need to insure all of the data is synchronized).

I am actually using a Gateway event currently but I only have a couple of tools online. I am worried that as more come on that it not be able to do it a minute.

How urgent is your need? I am working on a "wide type historian" that is tailored for the purpose you describe. It will be an enhancement to my Time Series Database Cache module, so that the history retrieval part can use the same wide table infrastructure.

It will likely be ready as a beta before August.

Reading tag values via tag.read is super quick since it just reads the cached values. You won't have any issues reading and inserting the values in time. You could use the store and forward system to run the insert statement as well (system.db.runSFPrepUpdate)

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Let me know when it is done. I would like to try it out.

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