Log Previous Values in Audit Log

Hey guys,

It would be nice if, for tag value changes, there was another column in the AUDIT_EVENTS table that would store the tag value that it was changed from. We’ve had a couple of incidents where someone changed a value or changed a wrong value by accident and it was easy to find out who did it but not what the original value was.

I am with you that would be a nice feature.

I hope this help somebody.

ae.event_timestamp AS Time,
ae.actor AS User,
ae.action AS Action,
ae.action_value AS Value,
case when ae.action='tag write' then
(select oae.action_value from AUDIT_EVENTS oae where oae.action=ae.action and oae.action_target=ae.action_target and oae.EVENT_TIMESTAMP<ae.EVENT_TIMESTAMP order by oae.EVENT_TIMESTAMP desc LIMIT 1)
else '' end as oldValue,
ae.action_target AS Target,
ae.actor_host AS Host,
ae.status_code AS 'Status Code',
ae.originating_system AS 'System',
ae.audit_events_id DESC



This feature should be in it from the begining…

Is there a way to use this but still use Functions so I can filter what kind of tags I want to show in the table? For example, I currently use a date range component to filter the audit table in the client to a certain date and I use a textfield to type a name to filter the target.

But if I also want the old value to be shown with this query then I'm not able to use those functions any more.

I'm working with Vision.