My perspective project takes too much time to execute expressions (about 500ms), it is very ugly when binding display value.
Do you have any idea how to solve it ?
My perspective project takes too much time to execute expressions (about 500ms), it is very ugly when binding display value.
Do you have any idea how to solve it ?
There are way too many things that can impact this. What are you executing? and is your system overloaded or has plenty of resources?
No, I don't think my system is overloaded,
I have a button on my view, which it's display is binded to a session custom property fixed at false, when i open my view the button appear for let say half a second and then disappear (time for the binding to evaluate expression).
You already asked this question over here:
Repeat posts are against this forum's rules (see the "keep it tidy" section). Continue the discussion over there.