all the morning, at 5: 30 o'clock, Gateway of Ignition 8.1.16, lost connection with SQL SERVER 2014 databse.
In the Wrapper log, I have this error message:
[05:31:00]: Database connection FAULTED. database=Report, request-origin=, session-user=admin, session-project=Pavesmac, session-id=002D57F9
** java.sql.SQLException: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object**
Why ???
Then, i restart Gateway and connection it's ok.
Some operation in your gateway sucked up the entire pool of actual connections and didn't give them back. Someone requesting reports in an infinite loop somewhere, perhaps? (Based on the DB name...)
Exception: Error running query: SQLQuery(query=SELECT distinct operatore FROM Report_Mixer_2023
**where **
**cast(inizio_mescolazione as datetime) BETWEEN '2023-02-08T00:00:00' AND '2023-02-27T23:59:00' and cast(fine_mescolazione as datetime) BETWEEN '2023-02-08T00:00:00' AND '2023-02-27T23:59:00' **
** , database=Report)@5000ms** On: Report.Root Container.ListaOperatori.data
** caused by GatewayException: Connection Error: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object**
** caused by SQLException: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object**
This error shows up on many different things in Ignition when other things are hogging your database connections. You might eventually get "slow query" reports on those other things. But the precise details of this particular error are not meaningful in themselves, they are just showing what else is broken by your overloaded database.