Lost Connection to Gateway

For some reason, when I am trying to view one of my perspective view in Designer I seem to be getting a "Lost Connection To Gateway". I can view other views without this problem occurring.

Can anyone recommend why this might be occurring?


Hi Sahil_Nagpal,

Do you have this designer open on the local system that Ignition is installed on? Does this happen right when you open that view in designer? When this happens, what do you do to resolve it?

This seems like it would be easier to troubleshoot by a support engineer, so I would suggest opening a support ticket: Inductive Automation Support

I am experiencing the same issue. Was there any resolution?

Here is what I tried, which seems to have worked:

  • My View had an embedded view with both input and output parameters
  • there were also various bindings (bidirectional, tag reads, expressions) and script function calls
  • I copied the view (new name: "ViewName (1)") into the project tree
  • I opened that view and quickly deleted the embedded view (if I was too slow, it would get stuck in a "lost connection" loop. and I would have to copy the view again)
  • then I closed my views and saved
  • then I deleted and renamed the views correctly and saved again
  • now everything seems fine

Any thoughts on what the root cause may be?

(Edit: I am running Designer on my laptop over a VPN connection)