LXML phyton library need to know how to import into ignition

Hi All,
I need to use the lxml library (pypi.python.org/pypi/lxml/3.4.4) but don’t know how to incorporate the library into ignition. Do I have to compile the library externally than copy the result to the ignition “\Inductive Automation\Ignition\user-lib\pylib”?

Hi jmonter,

You can install third-party Python libraries in Ignition by putting them in this directory: C:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\user-lib\pylib

More information about this is here: perfectabstractions.com/blog … on-modules

I did not see a version of lxml that works with Python 2.5 which is what Ignition uses. Lack of Python library support for 2.5 is a big reason to upgrade Python in Ignition to 2.7. You can vote for that improvement here: ideas.inductiveautomation.com/fo … jython-2-7

If you can’t get lxml to work in Ignition then you could use a different Python XML parsing solution such as xml.sax or xml.dom.
