I have an integer array with N elements, and want to make a bar chart (could be a line) showing the values in each array index. I´d like the index to be the X axis and the corresponding value to be the Y axis.
The binding is just a tag. An array of 24+1 integers. I want to show the production of something by hour. Each index will be an hour of the day, and its values will be the total produced. It´s Edge, I don´t have databases, that´s why I'm using tags.
def transform(self, value, quality, timestamp):
newData = []
for i in range(len(value)):
newData.append({"hour": i, "produced": value[i]})
return newData
Set xAxes.0.name : hour xAxes.0.render : category yAxes.0.name : produced xAxes.0.render : value
and do the usual good stuff in series.0....