Have you reached out to your sales rep? One, why can’t you use Ignition vs Maker?
Reaching out to a sales rep is a good idea, they have always been extremely helpful in the past. As for why not use Ignition vs Maker, I guess the question for me would become why have Maker in the first place then? The page on IA's website discussing Maker's Edition specifically references it as the edition for personal or educational projects. If I give feedback mentioning something that would be beneficial to an educator or personal projects it seems to be missing the spirit of the edition to respond with "just use Ignition then" 
I personally don’t agree with a permanent license as it us too easy to exploit as @pturmel suggested.
I have to disagree
There is already a license for Edge vs the full version Ignition vs Maker's. None of the three of them can be swapped out for the other so designating a license for a potential paid version of Maker's wouldn't be outside the realm of feasibility.
For something to be a viable method of exploitation prevention, it has to create a hurdle that the average individual cannot bypass. Limiting the license count doesn't meet this criteria as e-mail addresses and new account can easily be spun up. 4 hour leases likewise wouldn't count because most production environment have reliable internet access. These two features ultimately only impede those who, like myself, who will already play by the rules.
The license agreement popup, to be fair, is a legit means of exploitation prevention as it creates a hurdle that the average individual cannot easily bypass. And while an individual might be willing to abuse the license and use it commercially, it's harder to find a large clientele who would turn a blind eye every time their system booted.
The only caveat to this is that there can’t be the expectation that this will be done because only a couple of individuals desire it.
Ah the catch-22, you are of course correct and I do agree with your overall points and hope that my feedback might be merged with what people at IA are thinking about to create an improvement that is beneficial to those using Maker's Edition (a name I believe was intentionally chosen to grab the attention of those in the Maker's community that has existed for quite a long time now) while at the same time protecting their business. I routinely recommend Ignition to each client I meet and do not want it going away.
One of the issues I recognize is that the current setup is going to make it hard to get people in the Maker's community or education sector to see it as a viable option to get more feedback. On the maker's side a display that only works when I have internet access can be a hurdle for a lot of people (though certainly still meet the needs of the many, let's not overstate positions here
). On the education side, I'd be faced with either requiring students to create an account so my entire class could use it or have 3 machines for all my classes.
Far from me whining about free stuff, I'm excited to see this edition, an edition I've wanted for YEARS and want to make sure it lasts for a long time while at the same time existing as an additional potential source for sales instead of just being a freebie (though I do love the fact that IA is so cool as to just make this free, that's classy right there)