Make perspective logged out view more accessible

The current 'logged out' view in a perspective app has bad accessibility. After logging out of a perspective app you land on a page that looks a like this:

The back button on the page isn't actually a <button> element but an <a> tag. If the <a> tag used an href attribute it would be possible to tab to the element and cause the navigation, but it doesn't, so there's currently no way of 'pressing' the back button on said page using just the keyboard. Refreshing by hitting F5 obviously works because you then land on the login screen but it would also be nice and not particularly difficult to add a tabIndex attribute to the <a> tag.

Turns out this is an actual issue when running the session through the perspective workstation. Tabbing to elements to focus them still works within the workstation browser but the F keys (i.e. F5 to refresh) do not, so without the use of a mouse a user could just get stuck on this window. I know I could roll my own logged out/log in pages that I could have focussable buttons on and such but the fix of adding a tabIndex to the <a> tag on this existing logged out screen seems an awful lot simpler.