You may face significantly different scenarios between convincing co-workers of change (they don’t want to learn a new technology) versus educating them about Java (not Ignition specific).
Java has changed and improved significantly from the late 90s, where it’s reputation remains with some people. When associated with web browsers, they are probably thinking about “JavaScript”, which is interpreted in a browser, but really has nothing to do with Java. Java applications run locally on your machine. “Web launching” is more about managing the program/project version centrally to make installation/patching/updating easy. Java applications are “fast” and can be quite stable. Program stability will be most significantly affected by the quality of the product, rather than the language it was written in. I’ve used some clunky old Java programs, just like I’ve used clunky C++ programs. I think Ignition is streamlined and rock solid
If your discussion shifts toward the option of change, I would recommend setting up your co-workers with a web demo for an introduction to Ignition. We’re at a mature point with the software where there are lots of customers all over the globe running Ignition on mission critical applications. There is plenty of case study material, references available, etc. Contact your sales rep for this info.
In terms of price advantage - I would say that we had a lot of advantages creating the software in 2003, which was a good time to enter the market. We also happened to start with young programmers, some with IT experience in college, and several who had never been tainted by industrial software. We were backed by experienced integrators who were not totally satisfied with existing options and understood the status quo. This blend provided the opportunity to learn from what was already available, but allowed us to leverage existing technologies and an architecture that makes sense. We didn’t have to be bogged down with a large legacy support base. Since then, we’ve remained lean and focus on a unified platform, not re-inventing the wheel, and sticking to our core competencies.
In any case, end users and Integrators alike usually get pretty excited when they realize what Ignition can do.
[quote=“mdonaldson”]As an Integrator I’ve been excited to find out about Ignition. Now I have the daunting task of not only convincing customers but of convincing co-workers that this is a solid product. We have yet to integrate it, I’ve only been able to play with the fully functional demo.
Help me convince the stubborn. I’m tired of hearing things like this
-Java is terrible, not stable at all.
-Its web-based, browsers have memory leaks. No way can it run 24/7
-Java is slow, I bet the pages are unresponsive and not ‘realtime’
-Its too cheap to be good
Stability is the biggest issue that people seem to fear with this being in Java. However they seem to forget all those high-priced SCADA packs that exploded because of a .dll change windows made with some update.