Making Ignition Tags Discoverable For BACnet Server

I have an ignition project coming up where i am reading/writing tags to an Allen Bradley PLC. The customer wants some of the information passed to their BACnet system. usually we would do this via third party gateway etc. but the BACnet company says they have done it before by reading the tags from ignition. they are claiming all i need to do is make the tags "discoverable" for the BACnet system and they can pull the data from the server. i don't see any mention of anyone doing this in the forums or any options in the gateway or in the ignition designer to achieve this. has anyone had any experience with something like this? any help on this would be appreciated.

They may be talking about Ignition's "Exposed Tags" feature, which makes all your Ignition tags available via the OPC UA server (no roles and permissions or narrowing down scope right now, unfortunately. This is something done for 8.3).

It's over OPC UA, though, not BACnet.

"Expose Tag Providers" setting: Ignition's OPC UA Server | Ignition User Manual

note that it requires a gateway restart to take effect.

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