Hello everyone,
I would like to display a popup when I click on a marker in my map. (no problem on that)
However, depending on the marker clicked, the title of my popup should be different.
click on marker 1 -> popup title = marker 1 name
click on marker 2 -> popup title = marker 2 name
Since I can't configure events but only bindings on markers, I don't know how to do it.
I'm thinking of putting a script directly on the “map” object, but I don't know how to go about it.
Thanks in advance for your help. Have a nice day!
I was working on a map a while ago with the help of @Transistor
In my understanding once you generate the markers dinamically with a binding the popups are also dinamic
Hm, when i click on one of this marker:
I want the name of the popup here:
Did you understand my problem?
So i try to it like that on my map event:
But I need “DO” to be dynamic depending on the marker I click on.
Any ideas ? Maybe by scripting insteagd of using the "popup" option ?
Maybe you can adapt this script to your needs
markers = []
for item in value:
protoMarker = recursiveCopy(self.custom.sampleMarker)
protoMarker['lat'] = item['latitude']
protoMarker['lng'] = item['longitude']
s = getStatus(item['name'])
tecnico = getTecnico(item['name'])
alert = getAlert(item['name']) # Get alert status
protoMarker['tooltip']['content']['text'] = (
item['name'] + ': ' + statusMessages[int(s)] + ' - Tecnico: ' + tecnico
protoMarker['popup'] = {
'content': {
'text': f"<b>Name:</b> {item['name']}<br>{statusMessages[int(s)]}<br><b>Tecnico:</b> {tecnico}"
return markers