Marker Line in TimeSeriesChart in Ignition Perspective

Hello Team,

I would like to add a mark line on the X-axis in the TimeSeriesChart [Ignition Perspective in the viewpage], as shown in the screenshot below:

Is there a way to set a marker line only at the required point, as depicted in the screenshot?

Goutham Rao Y

As in the red vertical line?


I don't think the component itself supports it, but I've achieved it by putting it inside a Coordinate Container and laying the lines on top:

You just have to perform your own calculation of where the line should fall on the x axis.

My Chart.js component includes the annotations plugin, which allows for line, point, box, and several other types of annotations.

Most of the annotation values are scriptable options, meaning you can position the annotations based on calculations in the client (i.e. average/min/max of the charts data).

The annotations are intractable; you can allow selection, detect clicks, allow dragging, etc.

1 Like

Is there any way to add a marker line in the Timeseries Chart (using Ignition built-in component, not external) without using alternative methods.

"This is a temporary solution I am implementing for the time being, but I have an issue here as well. I need to hide the second Y-axis line.

The 1st Y-axis displays the series data, while the 2nd Y-axis contains the series data as a Marker Line. I want to keep the Marker Line but hide the 2nd Y-axis line

Is there a way to achieve this?"

Looks like you can do it... maybe there's another way, but this way provides two data points for the same time that draw a line from y1 (0) to y2 (100). I wouldn't call it good by any means

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