Mass Updates MySQL

Is there a fancy way to do mass updates, like mass inserts?

Probably the easiest to implement.

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Thanks, didn’t notice that. Will give it a try.

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If you use PostgreSQL, you can use a FROM clause subquery composed of a bunch of unioned constant SELECTs. Something like this:

Update myTable Set col_a = subq.a, col_b = subq.b
From (Select ? as a, ? as b, ? as c
	Union All Select ?, ?, ?
	Union All Select ?, ?, ?
	Union All Select ?, ?, ?
	Union All Select ?, ?, ?
	Union All Select ?, ?, ?) subq
Where myTable.col_c = subq.c

You might need casts after the question marks on the first Select to set the column types.

MariaDB appears to allow a sub-queries in its multi-table form of Update, but I haven’t worked with that.