MatrikonOPC Redundancy Broker ORB-Ignition 8.1 Connection Issue

Hello everyone,

I am facing some issues while establishing a connection between ignition and MatrikonOPC Server.
The issue comes only when we are trying to establish a redundant OPC connection.
However, the connection works fine when establishing with standalone server.

Below is our system configuration.
Server - 1 (Server2019) :- Siemens Matrikon OPC DA Server
Server - 2 (Server2019) :- Siemens Matrikon OPC DA Server
Client (Windows 10) :- Matrikon Redundancy OPC DA Broker (ORB )
- Ignition Ver 8.1.2
- Matrikon OPC Explorer
We can connect and Browse for all tags in MatrikonOPC Explorer or OPC Expert with “Server1/Siemens Matrikon OPC DA Server” or “Server2/Siemens Matrikon OPC DA Server” or “ORB” nodes.

In Ignition Direct OPC DA connection to “Server1/Siemens Matrikon OPC DA Server” or “Server2/Siemens Matrikon OPC DA Server” is successfull and tags value can also be monitor.
But when we are creating the OPC Connection to ORB node it shows error in connection and shows status faulted.
Error description in Status :
COM object method returns error code: 0x80040154; REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG (Class not registered)

Full Detail: COM object method returns error code: 0x80040154; REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG (Class not registered)

  • at*
  • at*
  • at com.inductiveautomation.opccom.COMServerImpl$ConnectServerJob.internalRun(*
  • at*
  • at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$*
  • at com.jniwrapper.win32.MessageLoopThread$*

8.1.2 (b2021020311)
Azul Systems, Inc. 11.0.9

Standalone configuration:

Redundant Configuration:

Any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Have you gone through all of the troubleshooting section? OPC COM - Ignition User Manual 8.0 - Ignition Documentation

I’ve also attached a 3rd party troubleshooting guide as well.

Troubleshooting_OPC_and_DCOM.pdf (794.1 KB)

Apologies to dig up this old thread but having same setup issues and was wondering if you were able to solve this?