Maximize Automatically

Hello it's possible to automatically maximize a perspective application, running on workstation minimized in the task bar, when an event occurs (tag change, message received ... ) ?

You're talking about maximizing the web browser window that Perspective is being displayed in?

I don't think you've thought this through. What happens if it is already maximised but behind another window?

Most operating systems will prevent that behaviour. It may be possible to get a browser to open another browser window and that should appear on the top of the Z-order.

This. There is 0% chance Android or Apple want to provide applications the ability to maximize/open without explicitly being requested by the user. Such a behavior would lead to countless bad-faith development practices resulting in users losing control over which applications are in use at a given time.


Hello, sorry but I was not being very explicit. I'm speaking about a Perspective application running wrapped in Perspective Workstation in a Windows OS panel PC, not mobile nor tablet. I'm running the Pespective Application windowed because the Panel PC is being used for other additional purposes by the work center operators and they minimize the app when they are working with work instructions or filling data into other systems. The need is that when something is going wrong in the system controled by the Ignition solution the Perspective application running on the panel PC should be maximized (if minimized) and put it in foregroung automatically to warn operators that something is going wrong. I've already done it in a Vision application but I don't know how to do it in a Perspective one.

Most operating systems have a notification system that pops out from the system tray to cover the cases you describe. Any more than that is considered "bad" behavior and is likely to be suppressed.

This is the problem. Don't allow that, so kiosk mode is effective.

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Hello Phill, sorry but I've to disagree. It's not a golden rule using a shopfloor PC just for one application in kiosk mode. I've seen in many plants using the same PC for different purposes if needed. Any case, good or bad practice, is what my customer requires and so I've to provide a technical solution for that. I'd be glad if you can share a way or a trick to do it.
Sometimes it's not possible being purist and I cannot convince my customer since another application made in Vision is working this way and very well.

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Vision has some fundamental advantages over Perspective for on-machine or near-machine HMIs. This sort of thing is one of them. I've made much commentary on this topic here. If the client has a need for Vision's features, use Vision.


I've finally implemented it using a thin vision project with a web browser module frame to embedd the perspective project.

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