When I try to create around 700 Modbus Registers in Ignition Gateway, I got internal error when I click on save button.
and I got "Form is larger than max length 200000" in Gateway Logs
Can anyone please explain the maximum number of registers that we can add to a Modbus TCP Device in ignition 8.1.13?
The limit is due to use of the address map. Don't use the address map, and you won't have any limit.
Hi @Santhosh_Pugalenthi!
@pturmel is correct, 700 rows is too large for the address mapping feature in the gateway. Are you treating each row as a separate register or tag? If so, you are probably much better off manually creating the tags. Here's the relevant page in our documentation: Modbus - Manually Addressing
Alternatively, you can try grouping your tags so that each row in the address map represents more than one tag. I believe the form limitation is based only on the number of rows, not tags or registers.
Personally, I believe tags that are manually addressed are easier to understand. I would recommend that approach.
If you can share more about what you are trying to do, I would be happy to provide more specific examples.
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Here are some examples of direct Modbus mapping.
ns=1;s=[Test_Bench_Micro]C6 (coil) (Bool)
ns=1;s=[Test_Bench_Micro]HR10 (Integer)
ns=1;s=[Test_Bench_Micro]HRF3 (Real)(Float)
Type this directly into the Tag Browser