Maximum size that can be returned in a field from a query

It seems I can only get about 4000 chars back when I query mssql 2017.
I know there is more data, but whether the query is done in the query browser or in a button script, it truncates at 4000. Is there some place the limit can be changed?

The query is like this:
select VIEW_DEFINITION FROM information_schema.views WHERE TABLE_NAME=‘myview’

Why are you selecting from information_schema at all?
It looks like the 4000 character limit is expected:


This might help you, as well.

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reason: I am building a test version of the mssql database for a project, but do not have access to the remote database except through Ignition. It will take a lot of effort to get approvals for firewall changes required to access the database directly.

I have been able to get most of the table and view configurations except the one that is >4000 chars.

Do you know where the limit is imposed and can it be changed easily ?

thanks, Marc

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oh, I didn’t see Jordan’s reply. well, never mind. I’ll pursue a different option.

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Unfortunately Ignitions query browser does not seem to support

EXEC sp_helptext ‘information_schema.views’ and I don’t have direct access to the database,

At least not yet, but now I know where the blockage is and that there is no solution in Ignition.

Thanks again.

Read the rest of that post on stackexchange. :wink:

Dude! That’s great! It worked!

Thank you!

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