Memory Error - Perspective Client Session in Chrome Browser

Hey all,

We have a client with a perspective session on the plant floor which is run through a chrome browser. Every so often (not sure on timing yet), the browser crashes and we get an "Out of Memory" error. We are also testing to see if this happens in Edge right now. We have checked the local host, and memory is not an issue.

One thing that may be different from other perspective sessions around the plant (that don't have this memory issue) is a carousel component that rotates through views every 30 seconds.

I was reading this post: Perspective memory usage too high? - #2 by kgamble

It seems that the type of carousel animation or fade may cause an issue with not destroying previous memory of the views that rotate through. Does anyone know if this is true or have insight into this? Ours currently is not on "fade." It is set up as "lazy load" though.

The client is on version 8.1.42.


I can’t speak to this directly, but my experiences with the carousel component led to the creation of the Swiper component in our Embr-Periscope module.