MES Database

I have a question regarding the MES Database used in the ”OEE/DT/Schedule Demonstration” for Ignition 7.5.
I have installed the different MES modules and thereafter restored the “Ignition Demo Project” into the gateway. I used the mysql script “inventory” to create the Demo database and it’s tables. However I am missing the the MES Database with its tables. How do I get the MES database and its tables?
I am using Ignition 7.5.5 and I have all modules installed.

Can you share a step by step procedure to get the “Ignition Demo Project” up and running from A to Z with all 4 demo projects.

Hi Kamal,
With the OEE installer module installed then the OEE demo project can be installed via the gateway configuration page.
A) Go to “Configure” page in the Ignition gateway.
B) Make a connection to a database under “Databases -> Connections”. A DB connection is required before the OEE demo may be installed.
C)Go to the “Settings” page under “MES Modules”. Set the database connection for Runtime Database and Analysis Database to the desired database connection.
D)Go to the “OEE Demo” page under “MES Modules” and select “Install OEE Downtime and Scheduling demo”

This will install and start the OEE demo project creating all the required tags and database tables. For more information see the “User Manual” under MES Modules then go to OEE Downtime->Getting Started->Installation.


Have same problem of not finding MES database after follow this instruction installing the demo using MySql.
Where is the MES sql script to create the database?
Thanks for answering.

Sorry for the late reply.

If you restored the gateway then you should uninstall the OEEDemo project then install it again per the directions in this post.