Metter Toledo data to Ignition

Other than weight, is it possible to get Machine name, material name from scale to Ignition ?
Machine name, material name is being stored in PLU of weighing scale.

Model? Options?

Mettler Toledo MT-SICS Reference Manual should help you, assuming it is a relatively modern model. Page 43 specifies a command for fetching the device information, which includes the model number and description of the scale.

You can connect via RS-232 on most of their scales, some also have ethernet connectivity options, you will have to reference the model’s specific manual for that.

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This is my application.

I think you will need a complicated script to regularly interrogate the scale and forward the responses to tags. Based on that reference manual. Good luck.

Hey, can you just point out the page number in manual where i can get data like material name and machine name?

You would need some way for Ignition to know that the scale has measured and is ready to send data.

Page 151 Details the stable weight reading command, the command on page 152 will grab current weight, regardless of stability.

Page 43 Will give you device information including model number and description (name?) of the scale.

Page 14 might be what you need to to fetch the material name, I can’t know for sure since I don’t know how the scale has been configured.

Ultimately, you will probably have to read through at least the command list to try to find what makes sense based on the application configuration on the scale.

I am actually in the middle of doing this exact task on the IND 570.
The Ethernet Option Board from MT connects to the TCP driver in Igniton nicely, I have made a simple command window to use to interrogate it over port 1701.
I am just trying to use the Demand Print data stream to turn the data into SQL data, the idea is that every time the print button is used in the system, it will update the read buffer from the tcp driver, which can be easily read and sent to a database in ignition.
Right now I'm stuck with the particular scale I have not having the demand print setting enabled, which is not well documented.
When I have that setting working, I can share it here.
In the current system I have, I can interrogate the scales very easily to get current weight etc.

So, the IND570 can be set up to automatically send data to ignition relatively easily.
For any plant using the "Print" button to print labels, send to other software etc, you use Demand Printing.

All you have to do is set up another ethernet connection in the settings on the device, you have three total you can use.

My Settings:

Port: Ethernet 1

Assignment: Demand Output

Trigger: Scale

Template: 1

Once you have this connection set up, connect to port 1701 with putty or telnet of some sort, type the command "printout" and it will feed a fixed packet of data every time it prints.

Then you just use string manipulation in a python script on the Ignition TCP driver to grab the data you want, for me I took the net weight, and threw it into an SQL query that timestamped it into a database for other use. Other data would depend on how you set up the print template on the scale itself. This can also be triggered by barcode scanner on the scale I think, but can't confirm.

If you want continuous data from the scale, use @pturmel script that he shared for that exact purpose.