Mirror / flip view - for quicker engineering?


I have just created i control view for a customer, on a vessel.
This process, and alot of other once is the same on both sides of the ship, just with different tags. It takes alot of time to manually redo a picture, its not cost effective and usually it doesnt have the same spacings etc on the different views afterwards either.

My question is:
Can i morror or flipp a view i have created, and continue working with it from there?

Here is an example of a view i already have:

Thanks for any help, and hopefully quick response from the community :slight_smile:

I'm not sure if there is an easier way to do this someone else might want to chime in here. If I had to do it I would use the following method:

Select the items you need to be "flipped"
add the following to style:
transform:scale(-1, 1)
(You can mess around with the numbers example (1, 1), (-1, -1) etc..

Here is what this will do:

You can also go through and select multiple objects to apply this style to all at once.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Edit: you can also apply this to the entire root but it will flip everything including labels and anything else you place on the screen

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yes, I have tried this function.

I tried it on the Pipes group, but it seems to work on the entire view.
I tried it on the Bottom left container, and it worked isolated.
Tried to copy the piping and some other stuff into a new container, but then all objects where given new X, Y, width and hight numbers (REALY ennoying, amazing if someone knows why. Seems to happend when i copy/paste objects that is rotated/angle value....)
My plan was to create a container with everything but the control objects, and add them separatelly.

so you are looking for a way to only flip the pipes?

At core we're looking for a way to cut engineering cost on puctures that in principle can be flipped.

At short, i think the approch would be to flipp/morror all pipes and SVGs etc. Not the control objects as theese seaminglly will be messed up with labels etc when flipped.

if you add this to the advanced stylesheet.css

.psc-mirrorPipes .ia_piping{
    transform: scale( -1, 1)

and add the class "mirrorPipes" to your pipes it will only turn the pipes instead of the whole view.

you dont want to do this while editing though

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