Missing Dependency in SDK Example Modules

Trying to build the abstract tag driver example with Maven I found was trying to download a dependency which was not available (org.eclipse.milo:sdk-client:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT). I fixed it by excluding the dependency, modifying the gateway POM file as shown below:





This issue also affects the Modbus driver. The example abstract tag driver module builds and seems to work correctly after this fix. Is this the correct way to resolve this issue?

This is something that ultimately needs to be fixed on our side, but as a workaround you can add an entry for the Sonatype snapshot repository to the section of the top-level pom.xml for any project that fails to build because of this error.


[quote=“Kevin.Herron”]This is something that ultimately needs to be fixed on our side, but as a workaround you can add an entry for the Sonatype snapshot repository to the section of the top-level pom.xml for any project that fails to build because of this error.

<repository> <id>sonatype-snapshots</id> <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/</url> </repository> [/quote]

Now the “0.1.0-SNAPSHOT” folder is missing on that repository. The new folder “0.1.1-SNAPSHOT” is there, so from my side, example is compiled failed again.

We need to publish a 7.8.5 SDK, which should correct all the dependencies. Milo should be 0.1.0 release now.

I still have not switched from ant to maven, and this sort of misery and maintenance hassle will continue keeping me away. /-:

We released a 7.8.5 SDK this morning that should hopefully resolve the dependency problems…

If not it’s always possible to add an exclusion for Milo on the dependency that is referencing the SNAPSHOT version and then add your own dependency on the release as a workaround.