Missing PDF error on report

I’m trying to figure out the problem in a report in perspective. When I am select the report for the first 4 to 6 second is show flies is missing, but after that report is showing on my screen.

Is it a performance issue?

Need your suggestion,

@sujat.ali did you ever come to a conclusion on what this issue was? We're experiencing a similar issue in one of our environments.

You can always monitor the Network tab in the developer tools of the web browser to determine if the slow PDF is due to network.

Shortcut for Dev Tools in Web browser

I suggest you have the Network part of the dev tools open with no filtering applied and then refresh the page thats pulling the PDF. You should see the waterfall of the request/response.

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Is the cause of this issue specifically due to a network problem, or could something else potentially cause this error to happen on the report viewer?

You will have that for the time it takes to calculate the report. That can be several seconds (or more) for complex reports that are displaying large data ranges.

Well it depends on what information you obtain from troubleshooting the issue. Did the server response time on network dev tools line up with the delay you see on the initial PDF load? The waterfall will also tell you how large the report file is.

ptermel is correct that it can be several seconds or more for complex reports. Does the behavior improve if you reduce the data size, perhaps by a smaller time range for start/end date?

Thanks for the feedback @pturmel and @Daniel_Shevchyk. We're seeing this issue, but it isn't very repeatable, so I'm just trying to be aware of potential things to look out for if and when we encounter this issue again.