Missing Security Jars 8.1.34 and higher

Looks like in 8.1.34 and higher, the client-api and designer-api artifacts both have a dependency on an artifact called security.


Any plan to publish this artifact? Looks like this issue exists for 8.1.34-8.1.37 so far. I assume it is related to signature verification.

Where are you seeing this dependency listed?

I updated the vision-component example in the sdk examples for the following error but I get the issue inside of my custom module as well.

Downloading from releases: https://nexus.inductiveautomation.com/repository/inductiveautomation-releases/com/inductiveautomation/ignition/security/8.1.37/security-8.1.37.pom
Downloading from thirdparty: https://nexus.inductiveautomation.com/repository/inductiveautomation-thirdparty/com/inductiveautomation/ignition/security/8.1.37/security-8.1.37.pom
[WARNING] The POM for com.inductiveautomation.ignition:security:jar:8.1.37 is missing, no dependency information available
Downloading from releases: https://nexus.inductiveautomation.com/repository/inductiveautomation-releases/com/inductiveautomation/ignition/security/8.1.37/security-8.1.37.jar
Downloading from thirdparty: https://nexus.inductiveautomation.com/repository/inductiveautomation-thirdparty/com/inductiveautomation/ignition/security/8.1.37/security-8.1.37.jar
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ce-client: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.inductiveautomation.ignition.examples:ce-client:jar:1.8.0: The following artifacts could not be resolved: com.inductiveautomation.ignition:security:jar:8.1.37 (absent): Could not find artifact com.inductiveautomation.ignition:security:jar:8.1.37 in releases (https://nexus.inductiveautomation.com/repository/inductiveautomation-releases) -> [Help 1]

If I dig into the published pom files on nexus is how I get to that dependency.

Which one? I'm poking around and not seeing it for some reason.

Have to go into the client bootstrap which is a dependency of client-api.


Yep thanks, we're looking at this internally right now. It seems just an oversight that the security jar isn't published.

Is that going to be something that is fixed before 8.1.38 or is it something that can be published before?

In theory we should be able to retroactively publish it for each missing version... not sure what the infra/build guys will actually do.

I'd imagine you can get your build working right now by adding an exclusion for that artifact underneath whichever SDK dependencies transitively include it.

I have published the missing jars (8.1.34 through 8.1.37) and made sure it will be published automatically with the 8.1.38 release going forward.


Thank you!
I see 8.1.34 and 8.1.37 jars. I assume the others are coming down the pipeline still.

They are all available, they may not be indexed by our public nexus yet (iirc someone has to attempt to pull that version first)

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Yes, that's currently the case.