Modbus addressing clarification

SO, I have an address I need to read. The device is currently setup like this:

I only need to read 1 of the bits and it is one addressed "1.Reg0002.2"

Should I be able to delete all these addresses and only look for "1.Reg0002.2"?

Set an OPC tag like this:

ns=1;s=[UPS S]1.HR2.2

Anytime I delete any of these listings the tag gives me an unknown value error.

I think the prevailing advice is to NOT use the modbus address mapping. Use the full OPC path in the tag.

Modbus address mapping - Ignition - Inductive Automation Forum

Alright, so when I do use the modbus' addressing, that you set up in the device, I get this when using the OPC addressing method:

A good return of value.

Then when I do not use the modbus' addressing, that you set up in the device, I get this when using the OPC addressing method:

A "Unknown" return of value, stating that whatever was updating the tag doesnt exist.

Any ideas?