I am trying to configure a UDT in ignition for a SACE PR332 with a communication module. The communication guide for the device states that the modbus data type for all registers is long integers and relevant run-time values are stored in the input registers. I was able to successfully add parameters like current and voltage, but total power and energy for some reason are unavailable.
I am following the modbus addressing guide in the Ignition manual and using the appropriate data types. For total power my OPC item path is [{deviceID}]{slaveID}.IRI229, and total energy is [{deviceID}]{slaveID}.IRI257. I have used IRI as opposed to IRUI since the guide mentions these are signed parameters.
I have attached the guide below for reference.
Any help on the topic would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
You will need to use reverse word order for 32-bit values. Consider configuring your devices for zero-based addressing.
The "relative address" column is the zero-based address you should use with the various manual addressing item paths. (IRI228
and IRI256
instead of the above.)
You won't be able to use the logger map. IA's driver doesn't support extended registers at all. My alternate driver does, but this dumb device breaks the specification for the number of 16-bit registers per file (10,000 by spec, 64k in this device). My alternate driver's scripted request option could be made to work.
Sorry I forgot to mention I had reversed the word order for this device and I was having this problem. I have now switched to zero-based addressing and I have changed the item paths as you recommended for all parameters. Current and voltage are reading correctly but total power and total energy are still incorrect, they are negative values now. I added the active power for each phase to see if I could figure out why the values are reading negative but those values are unavailable (2^31 -1).
Try flipping the word order back. The manual might just be wrong.
Flipped the word order back. Current values are now messed up. Total power is still wrong. Total energy may have fixed itself, I can only confirm by going out to the device and seeing what the readout says.
Attached below is a screenshot of the tag showing what it is reading now.

Interestingly if I increase the item paths by 1 as shown on page 14 of the manual, Ia and Ib get fixed, but none of the other parameters do.
I'd reset it to reverse word order, then. You may need vendor help for the energy values.
Alright. Thank you for your help