I am trying to connect siemens power meter PIC2200 with ignition via MODBUS TCP and the drive is added and status is 'connected', but it denies to read any tags from it and gives me 'bad quality' , although i am using "[device_name]HR1,3,5 formula to read registers in table in snip below
Try [Device]1.HR1
. Some Modbus devices don't recognize the default unit/slave id of 0 and require something else - usually 1.
I tried to create group of tags with with address 1,3,5 and it was accessible from tags tree but the same issue
Did you try setting the Unit ID like I mentioned above?
Have you tried using some other software (modscan, modpoll, etc...)?
The unity ID was 0, i will try 1, i am using powerconfig for siemens power meters and all data is available in it
The Same Issue when using '[Device]1.HR1'
where the F is for Float.
Also try 1.HRF2 and 1.HRF4 and see if there is an offset of one applied in the system as can commonly occur.
If the values appear but don't match the meter, try "Reverse Word Order" in the driver settings.
Yes, that is the right one, i just tried it, you have to write a unity ID more than 0 , use HRF for two float consecutive registers and add 1 to every register number
Or set the device to "Zero based addressing".